Thursday, 16 May 2019

An Australian Gardener's Thanksgiving

An Australian Gardener’s Thanksgiving

Summer’s cornucopia overflows with gifts
And garden delights are offered fresh each day,
At the altar of long days; grateful, my heart lifts.

So that this cornucopia overflows with gifts
The summer-dry’s combatted with mains water spray
And shrouds of shade-cloth in massive tented drifts.

At the altar of long days, grateful, my heart lifts,
To pick the tender beans, tomatoes ripe and basil spray,
Even darkest moods this bounty lightly shifts.

And as this cornucopia overflows with gifts
The birdsong in the trees is a loud hooray
For life. I drink the sweet rose scent in sniffs.

At the altar of long days, grateful, my heart lifts.
Though sun-burnt plants shrivel sometimes and die
Though disease attacks, or laden fruit tree rifts,

Yet I am glad each spring to obey
The call to plant, and tend and work the clay
So summer’s cornucopia will overflow with gifts
And at the altar of long days, grateful, my heart lifts.

©Tina Shettigara 2015

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