Thursday 16 May 2019

When Galahs show the way

When galahs show the way

Braking at yet another red light
The pressure under foot echoes dense anxiety in belly and in heart:
Running late.

But there, a row of galahs on the light pole
Lined up on the horizontal beam
Dozens of them; but they don’t quite fit
And one is relegated to the descending curve,
Slides and must take wing, flies around and wedges into the row;
Birds adjusting, and the one now on the end, sliding, taking wing,
Flying around, edging into the row;
And another slides off the end, and so it goes.

Cocooned I cannot hear their calls
The screeching chatter I know must be there.
But I am captivated and my belly laughs,
The dense knot releases, the light turns green and soon I arrive,
Heart full of joy, present and not late.
Tina Shettigara © 2016

This light pole is not even remotely like the one in the poem and there were way more galahs. Credit: where you will see many more galah pictures.
It was a pole like this,
let your imagination do the rest
I was driving past the actual location and saw these galahs on a nearby pole, so stopped to take their photo.
They waited just long enough for one snap. Taken with my smart phone.

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